Do Not Sell

As set forth in the Toyo Tire U.S.A. Corp. Authorized Direct Dealer Terms and Conditions, Dealers shall not sell Toyo Products to any customer upon request from Toyo.

Please view the Schedule as a PDF or download XLS file in the links below for the latest list of individuals and entities to whom you shall not sell Toyo Products.

Do Not Sell Schedule (PDF File View)

Do Not Sell Schedule (XLS File Download)

Please immediately discontinue any sales of Toyo Products to the individuals and entities listed on the Schedule.

Sales of Toyo Products to any individual or entity listed on the Schedule shall be a violation of the Toyo Tire U.S.A. Corp. Authorized Direct Dealer Terms and Conditions.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation in this matter and your continued support of the Toyo brand.